Category: Voice and Instruments

Hi, I’m new to blogging but I think this may be a good way of dropping ideas for singing warm ups, chants, creating, listening and things that I have found work for me using technology.

I love Singing Games and Rhymes for Early Years and Middle Years  If you don’t already use these books, please check them out. There are video demos on You Tube also.

I am always looking for ideas for fun chants and singing warm ups to add in to the mix.

If you are looking for a short warm up chant on keeping a beat: try this: ask your students to clap on the beat in the first line and stamp their feet (keeping a beat) on the second line and tapping on their heart on the words: ‘can you feel your heart beat

‘Clap your hands, keep in time, can you say this simple rhyme,

Keep the beat, with your feet, can you feel your heart beat!’

Voice and Instruments

Hi, I’m new to blogging but I think this may be a good way of dropping ideas for singing warm ups, chants, creating, listening and things that I have found work for me using technology.


Hi, I’m new to blogging but I think this may be a good way of dropping ideas for singing warm ups, chants, creating, listening and things that I have found work for me using technology.