Hi, I’m Kate Picken, music teacher, married to a farmer, mother of 3 children and have been teaching music in schools for over 40 years.

I am passionate about delivering excellent music experiences through creating and developing my own resources to help support teachers in the delivery of music in the classroom.

There are lots of great music resources online! What I offer on this online platform, is a breakdown of how to teach music through the support of PPT slides with a detailed teaching plan with suggested steps in how to teach the resource. Each resource has content for 6 – 8 weeks work. My recommendation is to include 20 mins x 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and use parts of the resource for 5 minute brain breaks each day. This will ensure a steady progression of skills.

Please check out the resource tab for a range of excellent resources on my website: www.primarymusicmaking.com

Just started sharing the content of a couple of Body Percussion resources. These resources are free top download. Check out my videos here: Primary Music Resource 1  and  Primary Music Resource 2